Zwell Environmental Mission

We envision a future where all homes are powered with 100% sustainable energy.

Central to Zwell’s purpose is our environmental mission. We believe that we can effectively combat the effects of climate change, by reducing the greenhouse gas emissions of the homes we all live in.

Our journey to Zwell started with a love of entrepreneurship and a belief that the free market can solve many of the problems we face today. Collectively, we have several decades of experience building businesses, but we all were searching for more purpose to our work. The problems we were focused on weren’t meaningful enough and worth spending most of our lives trying to solve. We knew we wanted to get leverage from our collective experience and skills. We started our research by looking at the UN’s list of global issues and from there, we were most drawn to the problem of climate change.

We researched the biggest sources of greenhouse gas emissions and found that electricity and heat production account for 25% of Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Economic Sector. We then dug in a bit more and found that 31% of electricity end use was commercial and residential. We then went to the US Energy Information Administration and found the largest sources of energy use in the home. We were shocked to learn that 35% of energy used in the home is pure waste.

From there, lightbulbs started going off. We felt like we could leverage our experience building transformative businesses and play a meaningful role in helping the world reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. So, on Earth Day 2020 we founded Zwell. It’s Zwell’s mission to make reducing the carbon footprint of your home a desired, affordable, and conveniently accessible action to every homeowner in the world through clean energy generation, energy conservation and electrification.

We invite you to join us on this journey.


Residential energy use accounts for roughly 20% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the United States


If the electrical grid is decarbonized, then the residential housing sector can meet the 28% emission reduction target for 2025 under the Paris Agreement


Meeting the 80% emissions reduction target by 2050 will also require more transformative solutions in energy production and lifestyle planning